
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What Is Unit Trust????

What is actually a Unit Trust?

Imagine a large pizza topped with all the good stuff with various different share of leading Malaysian or offshore companies. 

In order to buy that pizza you would need to invest hundreds of thousands ringgit.

But... what if that pizza is cut up into smaller slices?
and you can buy as many individual slices as you wish and according to your affordability or your appetite like vegetarian, mixed or maybe meaty pepperoni?... hmmmm...

Like that slice of pizza.. A Unit Trust is a portfolio of investments that is broken up into units.

As the value of the portfolio increases, so does the value of your units.

The toppings is carefully selected by asset managers company, like us, CIMB-Principal with only focus to maximise your return so you can enjoy that wealthy piece of pizza.

Now, talking about pizza, it does make the stomach starts to sing. Lalala~ (+_=)

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